
Ralph Lauren 代購 + Buyandship 轉運 全記錄

記錄 Ralph Lauren 代購 + Buyandship < https://goo.gl/VrHd7L > 轉運全過程

RL 7 折活動, 至10月3日, 團長9月26日開始代購.

Day 1: 9月26日晚第1單落單, 8件, US$101.1, 即每件平均~HK$100...即時收到Email confirmation;

Day 2: 9月27日RL寄出, 2日free shipping, 因為買了經常買野, 所以join了要收年費的shoprunner, 不過咁就會有free 2 day shipping, 快好多; 其他朋友買夠US$125, 用FREESHIP125 都可以有free shipping, 但這是5-7 business days 的standard shipping, 冇團長咁快.  

預計2日到美國轉運倉,8件,重3磅,自提運費$81 (首磅$29+續重$26 x 2), 即每件約$10, 當估計差不多😎。

有tracking number 就可以係轉運公司>貨件申報管理加要轉寄貨品資料;

系"貨件申報管理"> "已申報貨件" 見到新增成功, 下一步等貨物到美國倉再Update. ^_^

Day 4: 9月29日收到電郵通知美國已入倉, "貨件申報管理" > 海外入庫亦見到記錄

Day 5: 9月30日, 更新為"海外出庫", 即已安排寄香港, 預計10月5日可提貨; 同時亦試到若沒有預先申報, 倉庫收到件會有email提示有未申報貨件, 按"新增貨件" 填返資料就可以安排寄返香港.
Day 9: 10月4日, 貨件到逹香港, 可以睇"轉運單" 見到貨件情況: 1) 送貨服務, 會收到SMS通知送貨安排; 2) 自取, 收到電郵, 入面有取件密碼, 用取件密碼到自提點取貨;

Day 10: 10月5日, 收貨 / 轉寄團友. 到此完滿結束.

1 則留言:

  1. "If you are looking for a good logo design along with a few other services like stationary design and web design, ""For Logo Design"" might be the best there is! Not only did they provide me with a great new logo, they surprised me with their customized additional stationary and web page all at an affordable price. At first, I was doubtful and thought that they might just design a logo and stick it everywhere whether it’s business cards or pencils but for every stationary item, they altered and scaled the design so that it fit and looked great! Will definitely keep your excellent service in mind for the future!
    logo design service
